Visit to Caritas Elderly Centre – 13 April 2019

AASPCS Visit the Elderly Residents of Caritas Elderly Centre
Help the elderly feel loved and appreciated– Visiting with our elders can make a real difference in people’s lives. You will discover that giving time to listen to an older person can empower them, improve their wellbeing and help to build their self-esteem. You will also find that visiting can be a great source of satisfaction and enjoyment for you as well as the person you visit. Please come and join us in this meaningful event.
Date: 13 April 2019
Time: 2:00 to 3:30 pm
Location: CARITAS ELDERLY CENTRE – CENTRAL DISTRICT – Room 231, Caritas House, 2 Caine Road, Central, Hong Kong.
Description: Spend time brightening the day of the elderly residents of CARITAS ELDERLY CENTRE – CENTRAL DISTRICT (CEC). Volunteers will visit a group of approximately 20 elderlies. We will play games with prizes and gifts for the elderlies and do some art and craft with them. If you and your children have any special talents (such as singing, dancing, playing instruments etc), you are welcomed to do some performance to cheer the elderly up. Volunteers who wish to bring their children must register with us for both the adult and the children with the age specified in advance of the visit.
Volunteers who wish to do a performance please send us the following information before 31 March 2019 (1) description and duration of the performance (not more than 5 mins each) and (2) props or instruments that you will bring for the performance.
Cost: Members – HK$200 per family; This is a member event only. Non-members can still join if they enroll for annual membership at HK$100 or life membership at HK$1000 before the event. Proceeds will be utilized for purchasing gifts and prizes for the elderly and surplus (if any) will be donated to Caritas Hong Kong
Places available: 12 family groups of not more than 3 persons each. Children must be 3 years old or above.
There are places for 12 family groups ONLY. Places are limited. Applications will open at 9:00 a.m. on Monday 17 March 2019 and will be allocated on a first-come-first serve basis. Registration for this event will close on 23 March 2019. For those interested, please click here into the following online form to register or go to this link: We will then confirm your registration and request for payment afterwards.