Annual General Meeting 2019

The Alumni Association of St. Paul’s Convent School Limited (“AASPCS”) cordially invites you to join our Annual General Meeting (“AGM“) to be held on Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in Room G6, Ground Floor, St. Paul’s Convent School, 140 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
We are pleased to announce that 12 alumni are willing to be the nominees for the Executive Board of AASPCS for 2019/2020:
Name | Grad Year |
1. Ms Sharon WONG | 1995 |
2. Dr Candy CHAN | 1994 |
3. Ms Cecilia HUNG | 1989 |
4. Ms Karen LEUNG | 1994 |
5. Dr Abby WU | 1996 |
6. Ms Grace LAM | 1988 |
7. Dr Amy CHANG | 1992 |
8. Ms Karen LAU | 2000 |
9. Ms Josephine LEE | 1989 |
10. Ms Vivian YUNG | 1995 |
11. Ms Jamie LAW | 2013 |
12. Dr Lorraine SINN | 1998 |
Please consider to nominate the above-named candidates for the Executive Board and any other Life Members as appropriate.
For details, please refer to the attached AGM notice and the blank nomination form for the 2019/2020 Executive Board of AASPCS.
Please confirm attendance on or before 11thMay2018 by email: For those who cannot attend the AGM, you may wish to appoint a member of AASPCS to act as a proxy to vote on your behalf at the AGM, by sending the completed attached proxy form to us by email.
Warm regards,
Sharon WONG
28 April 2019